This is a piece based off of some biblical scripture. I was fascinated by the seemingly frivolous inclusion of this character. The character that is introduced is briefly mentioned in Genesis and isn’t mentioned again until several books later. Nimrod immediately caught my attention purely by his name. My original idea of a Nimrod was a geek, a nerd, or simply a goof ball. The exact quote that made me snicker read as follows:
“Nimrod the great hunter before God.”
I stopped reading right after I read the scripture. I pondered for a few moments, “What deep philosophical lesson is being taught from this line. Who is this great Nimrod? Why is he even mentioned? I began envisioning a behemoth of a goof ball hunting down wild animals. It made me laugh so I had to draw him. This is Nimrod strangling a gazelle with his bare hands. It wasn’t until I finished the piece that I actually began doing the research that I realized that Nimrod may be associated with a pivotal historical figure. Nimrod is actually a derogatory name. Nimrod is derived from the word maraude (To rebel against God), and the “ni” in front suggests “the act of”; Therefore Nimrod means one who rebels against God. It is believed by some that Nimrod is actually Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was an ancient king who did some pretty interesting things. I suggest that you take the time to read the Epic of Gilgamesh, if you haven’t had the chance to read it already. It is written by the earliest known author in history. So, in conclusion my illustration makes no sense, but they do say ignorance is bliss. Regardless, I like this piece. Please let me know what you think.